
Markus Fuerst - Consultant | Coach - Information

First of all:

feel free to share this website and my work with your partners, colleagues, bosses, friends, fellow students - simply with anyone you can think of. You can also use the social network buttons at the bottom of each page, if you feel like it.

Thank you - I appreciate that very much!



Further platforms, where you can connect with my virtual personality:


You would like to know more about the people, that accompanied me along the path? Here you can meet my trainers, coaches and instructors.


You work in similar topics or you think, we have similar fields of interests? Then drop me a line, maybe we can exchange links.


I joined the following associations and organizations:

Ingenieure ohne Grenzen e.V.
VGSD - Verband der Gründer und Selbständigen e.V.
Verband Beratender Ingenieure
DVNLP - Deutscher Verband für Neurolinguistische Programmierung e.V.